Friday 18 March 2011

For the love of pearls.........

I love pearls! They can do so much for an outfit, to me they go hand in hand with black they are the key item to enhance a black outfit. It all started when Coco Chanel put black and pearls together she showed how you could go from drab and depressing black to chic and sophisticated look I love it!

But don't be fooled people pearls go with more than just black, I feel like on neutrals they add an elegant feel to an outfit definitely a feminine element.
soooo pretty !

I love them because they can give such a luxurious look an expensive look and they don't even need to be real! I used to have a beautiful pearl necklace that my grandmother gave me but I broke it sadly I loved it so much though mainly because it was hers and it was vintage :(

it looked very similar to this 

I wore these pearls today I am so ill at the moment as some of you may know from twitter but I had to go to a presentation today for Uni at a company my dad had to take me and bring me back :(

Sometimes a little bit of pearls cheers me up :(

Do you guys like pearls?

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